A Personal Guide for Healing
Your Childhood Trauma
If you’ve suffered from childhood neglect, abandonment, physical, emotional or psychological trauma WORTHY A Personal Guide for Healing Your Childhood Trauma is the perfect antidote to the lingering effects of your unresolved childhood trauma. In WORTHY science and compassion merge as the author gently guides you through understanding:
1) Why your continued use of your childhood self-preservation mechanisms are your largest obstacle to happiness in adulthood and how to resolve that and create new, healthy coping habits that improve all your relationships, especially the one with yourself.
2) Why recovery is so much more than just that 50-minute appointment once a week and a daily pill. You have more power to heal yourself than you could possibly imagine.
3) How to choose the best possible trauma therapist, for your quickest path to gaining the life you want and deserve.
4) Which tools, techniques and practices have the greatest value in healing psychological, emotional and spiritual trauma wounding.
5) How and why your conditional amino acids have been depleted from childhood due to chronic traumatic stress, how that affects you now and how to fix them permanently. Finally, you can feel peaceful in your own body.
6) How to preserve, sustain and protect all present and future recovery progress.
7) That you are not broken, defective, nor unworthy of love, especially self-love.
8) How to soothe, comfort and integrate your inner child by being your own loving parent.
Let this be the day you reach down deep within yourself and tenderly take the hand of your frightened, wounded inner child. They want nothing more than your unconditional love and acceptance. You remember what that was like, don’t you?
Click here for the paperback, workbook, eBook or Audible version > Worthy: A Personal Guide for Healing Your Childhood Trauma

Author- Josephine Faulk, MPH
In this small collection of poetry, we are drawn up through stygian darkness as it alchemizes into layers of increasing light. Josephine’s long and convoluted path of heart and soul healing rings the bell of our own deepest wounding. Her work illuminates ancient wounds transcending into the realm of self-love and self-acceptance. “Fragmented into a thousand-thousand shards. Glittering in the slanted light of day. We may yet rise, with jagged edges singing.”
Click here for ~ Jagged Edges
Northwest Independent Writers Association
Nonfiction Authors Association
The Body As A Sacred Space is the first and only online weight-loss course designed specifically for the over six million (in America alone) individuals who have unknowingly used obesity as a cloaking device to feel safe in their own bodies.
This course addresses and resolves issues that you probably do not even suspect are related to the psychological, physical and emotional wounding of your childhood, which you are still affected by in adulthood today.
The obesity childhood trauma correlation has been recognized for nearly 40 years! Click here to learn more: The Body As A Sacred Space Course
This sounds like a valuable and welcome addition to a growing spectrum of support. Sadly too many people go through life not even knowing they are missing a chunk of their self hidden for survival in the deepest realm of their subconscious mind and physical body. I have 2 adopted daughters and a wife adopted at birth all trauma survivors. I now recognise my own childhood trauma and have made headway healing some of that by growing my self awareness at every opportunity. I quietly and lovingly try to nurture my family and, if and when they choose would love to have trauma therapy models that work! thank you.
Kevin thank you for sharing your experience and insight on this subject. Have you seen my blog post on EMDR? In my experience it is the most effective technique currently available for the treatment of trauma. It’s success rate is 98%. “The results of EMDR are that the emotional charge of your unresolved, original trauma, which has resided throughout your body and remained stored in your limbic brain since it occurred (decades ago for some of us) discharges its negative, draining energy. This happens layer by layer, session by session.” You can explore the rest of the post here https://worthyasweare.com/2015/11/emdr-heals-childhood-trauma-for-millions/ EMDR restored my true self and the opportunity to live my life fully in the present. I extend my love to you and your family and wish you the determination to begin the long journey home to your true self.
I want your book when it is available. This is very interesting.
Thank you Kathy. Did you sign up( on the sidebar) to be notified when it is available? It will be out in early summer of this year. I am so happy to finally be able to share it in its entirety along with the accompanying workbook. It’s been a real labor of love.
I never had the experiences, but have known those who have. They have my deepest sympathy. It seems there are no easy answers, but like a trapped animal, we struggle until we are at last free.
It is a struggle, but we can be victorious in the end result. I believe our True Self is whole and untarnished, our challenge is to do the necessary work to remove the emotional and psychological debris which obscures it.
Josephine, meeting and getting to know you has been a gift in so many ways. I am so glad that synchronicity, and whatever other mysteries of the multiverse, brought us together in the same time/space. Congratulations on the journey that brought you to this point, and may your success know no bounds.
The gift goes both ways Janet. It’s a mystery how someone can enter your life and immediately you feel like you have always known them. I’m so glad the stars aligned for this friendship that I value so deeply. Much love to you and all your creative pursuits.
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