The Trauma-Driven Choice To Be Obese

For millions of us the subconscious choice to be obese was a childhood trauma adaptation, implemented—unconsciously—as a way to feel safe in our body. We chose that self-protective method as a way to make ourselves feel invisible and as a buffer from a world that to us was a very scary place.

The fat became our moat. Our inner child, whose fears have yet to be addressed, and our beautiful True Self, which is the bridge to our healing, is the precious castle it protects.

We exert a tremendous amount of energy suppressing our own haunting wounding. The truth is, We Survived. The fact that we are here speaks to the enormous core of strength and courage that, along with the fear, lies within us.

That fear we are constantly running from, the marathon of our lives, is nothing more than our inner child crying out for our love, empathy and acceptance. All that terror from the monster under the bed can be alleviated by crawling under there with it and holding its trembling little hand.

The decision to do so is an event, but the actual work is a lifetime process. One that seeps peace into your heart, mind and body one drop at a time. When you feel safe in your body, when you no longer see your body as your arch enemy, your subconscious will allow the excess weight to fall away.

Would you like to start today—with baby steps? The obesity-childhood trauma correlation has been recognized for nearly 40 years! Learn more here: The Body As A Sacred Space Course

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